CIEN7-136503 Canon Canon Vid FlashLight VFL-1 3W f MVX150i

Part Nnumber
Canon Vid FlashLight VFL-1 3W f MVX150i
Basic price
122,95 EUR

The product with part number CIEN7-136503 (Canon Vid FlashLight VFL-1 3W f MVX150i) is from company Canon and distributed with basic unit price 122,95 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

This multi-purpose light slips easily onto the Advanced Accessory Shoe, eliminating the need for additional power or electronic cables. The VFL-1 acts as a video light and turns on and off automatically. As a flash, it can fire automatically or act as a pre-flash to reduce the red-eye effect. Weight & dimensions Weight 70 g Colour Colour of product White

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